Talking about someone you know, at least on some level, not a complete stranger in other words.
A girl I am acquainted with through an online support community, lost one of her best friends to a fatal brain haemmorage back in January. Her family chose to donate their daughter's organs, and reportedly ended up saving 6 lives.
I'd like to approach this girl, and ask if she'd be willing to share her story. I think putting a personal voice to the issue of organ donation can be immensely beneficial. If handled correctly.
And there's the thing...'If handled correctly' -
a couple of definite points I would have to consider...
I am not, by any means, 'close' to the girl whose friend died. We know each other, know of each other, but beyond that we're pretty much just two internet ships that occasionally pass one another charting the waters of Cyber-support space.
I do not know, and (obviously) have never spoken to the deceased girl's family, at all.
So, now the question(s) is/are - Do I approach, and if so, how do I go about it. What would be the most respectful, and integral way to do something like this? Is there any specific time period I should wait, should the initial approach be informal or formal, etc etc, for example.
Admittedly I haven't seen this girl around the Support Forums lately. I know after Karen Anne's death (obviously she's a member of the same forum where the other girl I knew passed away recently), a fair few people took a stepback, and have either sought treatment, or stepped up their treatment attempts, so I'm not surprised that she seems to be a tad 'missing in action' as it were. If, and when I do see her again though, I'd like to make sure I have everything organised before I go asking her to share her story in regards to Organ Donation.
Feedback, thoughts, opinions?
-- Edited by Emerald on Monday 29th of March 2010 07:33:14 PM
This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.