The Donate Life Community nationwide is gearing up for CBS’s new television drama, Three Rivers. Premiering on Sunday October 4th at 9pm, the show spotlights stories of generosity, hope and inspiration that are inherent in the daily work of transplant and procurement professionals. Weaving three stories of giving, receiving and bringing those gifts together, this is the first time viewers will see the process of organ donation and transplantation in a reasonably accurate form.
The show’s executive producer, Carol Barbee, is at the helm of this show, which was inspired by the real- life story of a transplant coordinator. Ms. Barbee sits on the board of Donate Life Hollywood, a national campaign to see more accurate and inspiring donation/transplant storylines on television and film, and understands the importance of this show in shaping the public’s perception of donation. She vows to do no harm, and help when they can. The show is currently giving Donate Life Hollywood the opportunity to read each episode and comment for accuracy.
CBS has taken up the cause of donation in their promotion of Three Rivers. The show is making deep efforts to share the Donate Life message with viewers, including a CBS Cares PSA by Alex O’Laughlin, the show’s star.
Because Three Rivers is not only dramatizing donation and transplantation, but working to get it right and to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors, we encourage you to watch and support this new show. Become a friend of Donate Life America on Facebook to receive advance clips of the show, hear an interview with Carol Barbee, connect with other Donate Life supporters to host viewing parties on October 4th, and much more.
Yes, there will be inaccuracies and times we cringe, but already this show is getting people to talk about the incredible life-changing nature of donation and transplantation, something that we hope will have a positive impact on all of our work to save and enhance lives.
My thanks to the fabulous Pinkie for this gorgeous banner!